
Create a Jumping Society through Training and Outdoor Activities

Kangaroo Foundation has three major activities that provide mental and physical improvement for young teens.

Free Taekwondo Classes

Designed to promote mental and physical improvement through Free Taekwondo classes for youth drug-free.

Youth & Parents Camping

Purposed to resolve conflicts between teenagers and their parents by giving them time to talk through the beauty of natural scenery through camping.

Ontact Program

Designed to help solve fundamental problems by conducting an ontact program with victims of bullying, guidance teachers, and exemplary youths.

Free Taekwondo Class

Taekwondo Discipline and Specific Plan for
Solving Youth's Drug Abuse

Teaching Special Techniques As An Alternative To Stop Our Children From Abusing Drugs.

Our society and the generation our children belong to have been affected by drugs. The varieties of drugs and the speed with which new variations hit the streets threaten our kids at a more critical level than most people, especially parents, can imagine.

Due to young teens’ easy access to drugs such as marijuana, heroin, ecstasy (aka club drug), cocaine, methamphetamine (aka meth), amphetamine, Fentanyl, and inhalants can severely impact a child’s growth. In addition, physical, neurological, social, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual side effects can continue through to adulthood. It’s shocking to realize that when young people abuse drugs and become addicted, it is certain to change every aspect of their lives, now and for years to come. Here are the specifics:

  1. Physical Side: Serious breathing problems, eyesight and speech impediment, heart disease, high blood pressure, arrhythmia, and any disease that arises from an immune system that’s been compromised.
  2. Cerebral and Neurological Side Effects: Intense motor disturbances due to brain cell damage, and strokes due to damage to the brain’s blood vessels. This can lead to permanent brain damage.
  3. Social Side: Loss of Self-Esteem: Teens who abuse drugs are afraid to open their minds and often feel isolated and very much alone. They lose interest in school life and even fail to attend class or stop doing their homework. There’s also loss of interest in friends, hobbies, sports, family or anything aside from getting more drugs. They want to be alone. Even worse, they may engage in anti-social behavior like violence.
  4. Emotional Side: There will likely be a loss of self-control, anxiety, and fear. Shame and a sense of guilt are increased. Addicted young people are often uncertain and begin to doubt everyone and everything. They think of committing suicide and even try it. The primary factor leading them to death is drug abuse, not heart disease, stroke, and cancer. In fact, most fatal accidents are related to losing self-control due to drug abuse.
  5. Intellectual Side: Loss of self-discipline, memory loss, a lack of concentration and judgment, a sharp drop in the quality and consistency of schoolwork. Together with all that comes senseless behavior and logical confusion.
  6. Spiritual Side: Loss of self-confidence, a normal view of life, and goals. Priorities and values are confused. Also destroyed is a sense of belonging to friends and family and with that, a loss of intimacy.

What can parents do about these problems? They are anxiously looking for the most effective educational program for giving their kids strong will to firmly refuse drug abuse. The best method to solve problems of youths’ drug abuse is prevention and education.

It has been especially proven that young teens develop self-esteem and self-confidence most effectively when parents let their kids learn some special techniques and when the whole family shows great interest in supporting them. If they do not have self-confidence and have low self-esteem, they will easily fall into drug addiction. Kids who join a gang and commit crimes do so because they lack other means of gaining self-confidence or their sense of belonging to a group.

If parents encourage the development of these special skills, their children will emerge with both enhanced self-esteem and self-confidence. That, in turn, will provide the power to refuse the temptation of drugs. Accomplishing that has already allowed many young teens with self-confidence and self-esteem to show, magnificently, they live a “Youth Life Without Drugs” through extraordinary techniques such as Taekwondo, and through leadership skills that inspire other teens to higher levels of education

Youth & Parents Camping

Youth & Parents Camping is purposed to resolve conflicts between teenagers and their parents by giving them time to talk through the beauty of natural scenery through camping.

Ontact Program

Ontact Program is designed to help solve fundamental problems by conducting an ontact program with victims of bullying, guidance teachers, and exemplary youths.

We learn wisdom from kangaroos that jump with weak babies among the jumping animals

- Kangaroo Foundation -
Free Taekwondo Classes

Designed to promote mental and physical improvement through Free Taekwondo classes for youth drug-free.

Youth & Parents Camping

Purposed to resolve conflicts between teenagers and their parents by giving them time to talk through the beauty of natural scenery through camping.

Ontact Program

Designed to help solve fundamental problems by conducting an ontact program with victims of bullying, guidance teachers, and exemplary youths.

Wish to know more about programs and activities? Contact Us!

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